Welcome to part 3 of the “Time is an illusion” series. Taking a bit of a modern twist with some blue neon in mix. Work, …
Time is an illusion – Part 3

Passion for data science. Love for art.
Welcome to part 3 of the “Time is an illusion” series. Taking a bit of a modern twist with some blue neon in mix. Work, …
Welcome to part 2 of the “Time is an illusion” series. After 1000s of iterations a week of tweaking things, there were four pieces that …
“Time is an illusion” [- Albert Einstein] We are entering an era where our ability to create art is becoming limited by our imagination and …
Happy nightmares, ladies and gentlemen. Machine learning (90hrs of GPU)+ generative code + filters + premium digital recyclable pixels only (no metal was wasted making …
“Fragments of Saturn” is an art collection of twenty mosaic dragons. Each individual artwork is a perfect square 4000x4000px, constructed with 10,000 images of dragons, …
It’s done, what felt seemingly impossible! Enjoy! This marvel is a perfect square composed of smaller 317 x 317 squares, each depicting a generatively synthesised …